Category: Hanga | Create

Measuring Liquid Volume: Milliliters and Liters

Today for Maths in Room 1 we were learning to know our Liters and Milliliters . We were doing our usual rotations , until we went to Mr Moran and he told us more about Measuring Units and other stuff . Me and my group were all working together and had heaps of fun . I hope we do more of these activity soon .

The Pink Umbrella and Kilikiti .

Today for Literacy , My group Ceberus was talking/learning about The Pink Umbrella . It wasn’t really about the Pink Umbrella but the characters . The story was about Sam not really wanting his grandma after coming back from Samoa. This was interesting but also sad . We also had another book that was in this activity , that was called Kilikiti . It is talking about elephant . In samoa you call elephants , Eller-funny but it’s funny because there are no elephants in samoa .



For today’s task/activity , We had to look at this website which had shoes that were hundreds of years ago . After finding the shoe you like or love , we had to write about it . This was cool and fun at the sometime because After publishing it we could create our own shoes on .



Good morning! , for this activity . I had to write about what my parents have said about my grandparents . This was an easy task for me to do and they really didn’t talk much about my grandparents . I usually don’t go to my grandparents house so I really don’t know much about them .

The Kaukalaikiki Girl .

Hello , Today for reading . We were learning about a girl who was being a kaukalaikiki . This girl’s name is Pusi urale and she loved Painting . Ever since she was born she has been called a kaukalaikiki . Pusi Urale is eighty-three years old and is still doing the things she loves . Please leave positive , thoughtful and amazing comment on my blog and see you next time! .

I Heard A Whisper But No-One Was There

I heard a whisper but no-one was there


It was night , when my parents wanted to go out together . Leaving me alone in the house with no-one but myself . I wasn’t scared because I had my device watching the movie Frozen . I was minding my own business when I heard something whispering , I didn’t care because I thought it was coming from the movie . I paused it and waited until I heard it again just in case mom and dad came back from their date , but I didn’t hear it , so I continued watching . After a while of watching the movie I heard it again , I got scared that I hid under my blanket pretending to sleep . The whisper came closer and closer but when I put my blanket away there was no-one . My eyes were wided , my mouth was about to tear apart, my hands were about to break and my ears were bleeding . I was about to die . I hear a knock outside my house. I didn’t go now because I thought a monster was going to attack me . I hid under my bed crying silently so that it wouldn’t find me . I hear foot-steps coming closer and closer up the stairs , I could see the shadow getting bigger and bigger . After that I couldn’t remember anything .The Next Morning ,  I found myself in the hospital with my parents crying , looking down at me , holding my hand . I looked confused at them and they started giving my happy bear hugs. I asked them “What is going on” and they looked at me saying that I fainted last night under the bed. I also asked them if they heard or saw anything but they said “No” . The doctor gave me some notes and then we left , we went to get Ice-Cream and McDonald’s but then it came back , that horrible whisper I heard from last night . Until that day it still haunts me , giving me the creeps . 

Clowning Around

Today , for literacy . I did this activity that was talking about clowns . I do not like clowns but sometimes when they have treat or balloons I will LOVE them . Clowns are really funny , scary and cool to play with . They look really amazing in their Costume and have really nice make-up with the red button on their nose . Everything is perfect and Beautiful . I hope I do not learn more about clowns because I do not want to have to go back home thinking about them , especially at night .