Year: 2023

Email etiquette

Task Description: Yesterday me, Tomasi, Fale and Moimoi got chosen to be in a video. Mr moran was filming us while he was talking about Cybersmart. He were learning about Email etiquette and how people would talk to when they are with either their friends or teachers. We talked about what formal and informal is. Formal is when you talk to someone politely and with respect. Informal is like when your talking to them in not a respectful way but as if they are your friend. After that, We all had to send a message to Mr Jacobesen and see if he will reply to us in a formal way. Finally when we got the message we had to see if he replied to us in a nice way (Formal) or not a very nice way (Informal). I really enjoyed doing this and hope to do more. Please leave a positive and thoughtful comment on my blog. See you soon!

Make It Work – DLO

Task Description: This whole term, team 5 have been building and designing a project that the school might need or maybe use. We had to be in groups for this to happen. This is my group including Mya but she barely came to school so she wasn’t in it most of the times. My group was called Fish N Chips and we were making a new shelf for room 1 and Mr Moran. We were going to replace Mr Moran’s old shelf and put our new shelf as his owns and room 1’s for next year. Every week until week 6 we had to write about how it went and how the group is going. I know that my group has been working together as a team to make our project look good and perfect. We also had lots and heaps of help from our teachers which made our work a lot easier. Please leave a positive and thoughtful comment on my blog. Hope you have a good day and see you soon! Bye!

The Fantail

Task Description: This week I have been reading and learning about Fantails. This book is mostly about a family who thinks fantail will give you bad luck and also kill the people you love. Do you think fantails give you bad luck? My favourite highlight of this book was doing all the tasks and also reading the book. It was an interesting and incredible book. Please leave a positive and thoughtful comment on my blog and hope you have a good day.  

Fit For Purpose – DLO

Kia ora and Welcome to my blog! Last term team 5 had to create an animation of a day in the life of a child who has a balanced and healthy lifestyle. I didn’t get to finish my DLO last term but I did finish it today. I kinda enjoyed doing this but I don’t usually go on these computers.

Make It Work

Task Description: This week team 5 have been doing heaps of inquiry. Why? because the teachers didn’t want us to do DLO because they knew that most of us wouldn’t really do anything. What we have been learning to do is make something that isn’t really used but we have to make it more creative and real. My group FISH N CHIPS are making a new cupboard for Mr Moran because he can’t look after his cupboard we are about to replace but he will be blessed with his new one.

My Speech – Writing

     Bullying should be banned


Did you know that bullying can cause bad problems, depression,stress or even death. My name is Emma and I’ll be talking about “Why bullying shoud be banned?”. 


What is bullying? 

Bullying is when someone or a group of students hurts you multiple times to make you feel bad. Bullying can lead to suicide, hatered and it is also very bad. It can also lead to dropping out of school or wagging class. They are either bullying you because their parents didn’t treat them right or maybe their parents are abusing them and they are taking it out on someone else or maybe they are just acting like idiots. For example, A group of seniors might come up to you and start mocking you, out of nowhere and then the next day they start mocking you and being mean to you. You might start feeling like you’re not good enough or hate yourself. They are bullying you on purpose.


Have you ever been bullied?

Have you ever been bullied or do you know someone who is bullied? Do you know what to do or how to stop it? If you are being bullied and don’t know what to do. Tell either your parents,teachers or even the principal. The bully might get suspended, expelled or be -grounded by their parents. If you know someone who is getting bullied. You might help them or try to tell the bullies to go away and leave the person alone, But what if they bully you too? All you have to do is run away and leave the person there or just scream for help they might run away or you might get a hiding. 


Can bullying lead to being in Jail?

Yes, bullying can lead to being in Jail if there was shooting, stabbing, drowning, choking or even being runned over. If you do get caught you will be in court and will soon be in Jail, because the lawyer will have heaps of evidence because of the bully abusing the person. The bully might start lying but there is plenty of evidence that the bully had been hurting the person badly. The judge will either put the bully in jail for months or years or even stay there until they die. If someone in Jail kills the bully the police or the people wouldn’t care.

Predicting Angles.

WALT: We have been learning about different type of angles. We also learned our Anti-clockwise and Clockwise. We played a game where Mr Moran had to say some a random angle and anti-clockwise or clockwise we have to turn around to show the angle. The angles and clockwise or anti-clockwise we had to turn that way. It was either 90 degrees,180 degrees,270 degrees or 360 which is going around once. It was so much fun and hope we do more or this game. Thank you for listening and please leave a positive,thoughtful and amazing comment on my blog.

Response To Video

WALT: Yesterday my group (Cerberus) were learning about a little boy named Abbas. Abbas and his family had to make a difficult choice when leaving Afghanistan, It was where they live. This activity was about “When we had to make a difficult choice” and what influenced our decision-making. Thank you for listening and please leave a positive,thoughtful and amazing comment on my blog.

Geometry Garden

My Geometry Garden 

We are describing the different parts of our garden and what geometry features they show. 

What type of symmetry do your flowers have?

In my garden my flowers have reflective symmetry and Rotational symmetry.

This means that my flower can rotate 8 times and still be the same and also you can cut the flower in half and it will be the same but just cut in half.

What type of symmetry does your butterfly have?  

In my garden my butterfly has a reflective symmetry.

This means that if you cut the butterfly in half they will look the same.


What geometry feature does your pathway show? 

What did you do to make sure pathway?

In my garden my pathway shows that it is an Tessellation.

To make my pathway I have to keep adding the shapes until the box is fully covered with only green and yellow.

This means that if you keep adding the shapes they will cover the whole box and it’s just filled with yellow and green.


WALT: Today we have been learning to know our Tessellation, Rotational symmetry, Reflective symmetry and Translation. This was kinda easy but telling what it means was hard. My favorite part about doing this activity was helping others and also working with some of the groups. Thank you for listening and please leave a positive,thoughtful and amazing comment on my blog.